Review of Bilingual Bicultural Programs for Deaf Children

Andy  Cheshire

Andy Cheshire

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

I work to meliorate interventions for students with dyslexia and other forms of significant reading difficulty, amend understand assessment and assessment practices that best inform instruction, and improve educators' ability to make data-based decisions. Some of my representative publications are listed below. For a full list of my published research and other work, delight see the links above for my CV or my Google Scholar folio. (*indicates educatee co-writer) Clemens, N.H., & Fuchs, D. (2021). Commercially-developed tests of reading comprehension: Gilt standard or fools' aureate? Reading Inquiry Quarterly, Advance online publication. Austin, C., Vaughn, S.R., Clemens, N.H., Pustejovsky, J., & Boucher, A. (in press). Relative furnishings of pedagogy linking word reading and word pregnant compared to discussion reading instruction lonely on the accurateness, fluency, and word meaning knowledge of 4th-5th grade students with dyslexia. Scientific Studies of Reading. Clemens, Due north.H., * Lee, K., *Henri, Thou., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., & Al Otaiba, Due south. (2021). Growth in sublexical fluency during early reading instruction and its relation to decoding conquering. Periodical of School Psychology. Capin, P., Roberts, One thousand., Clemens, N.H., & Vaughn, Due south.R. (in printing). When Treatment Adherence Matters More than: Interactions Amid Treatment Adherence, Instructional Quality, and Student Characteristics on Reading Outcomes. Reading Research Quarterly. Barnes, Thousand.A., Clemens, Northward.H., Autumn, A.One thousand., Roberts, G., Klein, A., Starkey, P.,…& Flynn, G. (in press). Cognitive Predictors of Difficulties in Math and Reading in Pre-Kindergarten Children at High Gamble for Learning Disabilities. Periodical of Educational Psychology. Clemens, Due north.H., Oslund, East., Fogarty, M., Kowk, O., Davis, J., & Simmons, D. (2019). Skill moderators of the effects of a reading comprehension intervention. Exceptional Children, 85, 197-211. Clemens, Northward.H., Hsaio, Y., Simmons, L., Kwok, O., *Greene, E., *Soohoo, 1000., *Henri, 1000., Luo, W., *Prickett, C., Rivas, B., & Al Otaiba, Due south. (2019). The predictive validity of kindergarten progress monitoring measures beyond the schoolhouse year: An awarding of dominance analysis. Assessment for Effective Intervention, 44, 241-255. Filderman, 1000. J., Toste, J. R., Didion, Fifty. A., Peng, P., & Clemens, N. H. (2018). Data-based decision making in reading interventions: A synthesis and meta-analysis of the furnishings for struggling readers. Journal of Special Education, 52, 174-187. Oslund, Due east.L., Clemens, Northward.H., Simmons, D.C., & Simmons, L.E. (2018). A multicomponent model of adolescent reading comprehension: Comparison struggling and adequate comprehenders. Reading and Writing, 31, 355-379. Clemens, Northward.H., *Soohoo, Grand., *Wiley, C.P., *Hsiao, Y., *Estrella, I., *Allee-Smith, P.J., & Yoon, Chiliad. (2018). Advancing stage 2 enquiry on measures for monitoring kindergarten reading progress. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 51, 85-104. Clemens, Northward.H., *Lai, M., Burke, M., & Wu, J. (2017). Interrelations of growth in letter of the alphabet-name and sound fluency in kindergarten and implications for subsequent reading fluency. School Psychology Review, 46, 272-287. Forgarty, M., Clemens, North.H., Simmons, D., Simmons, 50., Anderson, L., Oslund, E., Davis, J., & Smith, A. (2017). The bear on of a technology-mediated intervention on adolescents' reading comprehension. Journal of Research in Educational Effectiveness, 10, 326-353. Clemens, Due north.H., & Simmons, D., Simmons, Fifty., *Wang, H., & Kwok, O. (2017). The prevalence of reading fluency and vocabulary difficulties among adolescents struggling with reading comprehension. Periodical of Psychoeducational Assessment, 35, 785-798.

Nathan  Clemens

Nathan Clemens

Associate Professor, Department of Special Pedagogy

Kelly  Cruise

Kelly Cruise

Banana Professor of Practice, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Cohort Coordinator, Field Supervisor, Assistant Professor of Practice The Academy of Texas Austin, Austin TX · Teach and coordinate in a lecture position in the College of Education preparing, mentoring, developing, and coaching pre-service teachers for EC-half-dozen ESL certification · Coordinate undergraduate cohort of EC-6 teacher preparation students during their Professional person Evolution Sequence (PDS). · Instructor EDC331E-Schoolhouse Arrangement and Classroom Direction. Courses which are designed to equip students with the necessary skills in making ethical decisions in their adult and professional life and working with young children · Initiate, develop, and maintain ongoing effective advice and rapport with AISD, RRISD, LISD and charter schools and district administrators and faculty for the outcome of quality field placements for pre-service teachers · Supervise field supervisors through training and on-going guidance and support with collaboration on data gathered through observations and reflective conferences, reporting, and collaboration with student's success in heed. · Attend and participate in professional person evolution lectures.

Rosemary M Cuellar Torres

Rosemary M Cuellar Torres

Assistant Professor of Exercise, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Rosario C Deleon

Rosario C Deleon

Banana Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School

Susan K Dubois

Susan Yard Dubois

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

Carrie Lou  Garberoglio

Carrie Lou Garberoglio

Director - National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, Section of Special Education

Emily S Greenspahn

Emily S Greenspahn

Assistant Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology, Dell Medical Schoolhouse

Katelyn  Hatfield

Katelyn Hatfield

Assistant Professor of Instruction, Department of Kinesiology and Health Education

Mark D Milliron

Marker D Milliron

Professor of Practice, Section of Educational Leadership and Policy

Celena  Mondie-Milner

Celena Mondie-Milner

Associate Vice President, Strategy and New Pupil Support and Executive Director, New Pupil Services, New Student Services

Michael E Nava

Michael E Nava

Executive Managing director of Student Success Initiatives, Student Success Initiatives

Raymund A Paredes

Raymund A Paredes

Professor of Practice, Section of Educational Leadership and Policy

Martha I Pyron

Martha I Pyron

Affiliate Faculty, Section of Population Wellness, Dell Medical School

Richard M Rhodes

Richard Chiliad Rhodes

Professor of Practice, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy

College instruction and learning, online teaching and learning, online teaching, higher education, postsecondary education, distance education, remote learning, virtual learning, technology and education, design pedagogy, blueprint pedagogy, design thinking, learning design, the science of learning

Julie  Schell

Julie Schell

Assistant Dean, Instructional Continuity and Innovation, College of Fine Arts

My principal methodological research interest deals with the various facets of model specification, including, but not express to, model comparison/pick and model modification methods. With the utilise of simulation techniques, I examine the performance of these different model specification approaches under manipulated weather condition. With the use of real data sets, I also provide illustrations and demonstrations of alternative model parameterizations for pedagogical purposes. There are numerous models that may be employed to explain the relationships among variables. I am interested in employing models within the structural equation modeling (SEM), multilevel modeling (MLM), and detail response theory (IRT) arenas. My other research interest deals with real-globe data applications with these various modeling techniques. This is, in big part, due to requests from applied researchers to help with the methodological aspects of their study given my knowledge in quantitative methods. I relish these opportunities to collaborate with researchers in different disciplines because real-globe data problems provide me with methodological research ideas as well every bit interesting examples to utilise in my courses when I am teaching.

Tiffany A Whittaker

Tiffany A Whittaker

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology


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